Use "has homosexual tendencies|have homosexual tendency" in a sentence

1. Nine states have outlawed homosexual marriages.

2. Homosexual necrophilia.

3. For society, the real choice is between homosexual marriage and homosexual alienation.

4. I deny my homosexual condition.

5. Others condone homosexual acts.

6. With homosexual behaviour, however, the opposite has been true.

7. Homosexual males have lower ratios of Androsterone to Etiocholanone.

8. Do not participate in homosexual activities.

9. What, then, of the homosexual union?

10. You're a heterosexual or a homosexual, or you never have sex.

11. One of Ruth's brothers was homosexual.

12. I reject homosexual conduct, not people.”

13. Do you want to be homosexual?

14. Bad: Bruit that male a homosexual.

15. Bobby knew the repercussions about homosexual lifestyle.

16. Adultery, fornication, and homosexual relations are common.

17. Homosexual acts are punishable by flogging or death.

18. Member whatever viewpoint he or she put forward, has condoned homosexual behaviour.

19. Teen Celebs men Boners homosexual Parker Was

20. What did he mean, the homosexual life?

21. We hear of such novelties as homosexual families.

22. Of or concerning homosexual love and desire; amatory.

23. “Unitarians Endorse Homosexual Marriages.” —The New York Times.36

24. Homosexual acts are not merely an “alternative life-style.”

25. This is true for both heterosexual and homosexual couples.

26. She once asked him outright if he were homosexual.

27. He was outrageously affected, flamboyantly homosexual, and extremely clever.

28. A dyed-in-the-wool homosexual, that boy is.

29. Homosexual men and women are campaigning for equal rights.

30. In September 1995, Zimbabwe's parliament introduced legislation banning homosexual acts.

31. These are, to state the obvious again, not homosexual poems.

32. Lippa examined sexual orientation and handedness in a sample of 812 men (351 heterosexual; 461 homosexual) and 1189 women (707 heterosexual; 472 homosexual).

33. Surrogate twins of a homosexual couple have been granted indefinite leave to stay in Britain.

34. The law applies to both heterosexual and homosexual employees.

35. However, we shall concern ourselves only with homosexual practicalities.

36. 17 Isn't this suggestive, perhaps, of sublimated homosexual attraction?

37. Unwed motherhood was regarded as shameful, as were homosexual relationships.

38. However, I had one homosexual experience in the past, in college.

39. Some Presbyterian conservatives blame the losses on indecision over homosexual ordination.

40. Supported reducing the age of consent for homosexual acts to

41. Should the case of the homosexual union be treated differently?

42. He came out as a homosexual after his mother died.

43. The age of consent has been equal at 16 for heterosexual and homosexual sex since 1992.

44. Mustanski et al. examined sexual orientation and hand preference in a sample of 382 men (205 heterosexual; 177 homosexual) and 354 women (149 heterosexual; 205 homosexual).

45. Stepan Verkhovensky is prissy, frenchified, very feminine though not at all homosexual.

46. When questioned about his sexual orientation, Dean is reported to have said, "No, I am not a homosexual.

47. If you notice carefully, it's a homosexual couple bringing up a child.

48. Mrs Whitehouse's position was, then, that homosexual behaviour was abnormal and sinful.

49. You see, I've always been firmly convinced that I was homosexual.

50. 9 American society is being roiled by the controversy over homosexual marriage.

51. According to the Bible, there is no such thing as a Celibate homosexual

52. Researchers in Britain however, have not, found homosexual relationships to have the same importance as the basis of a subculture.

53. In many cultures, homosexual people are frequently subject to prejudice and discrimination.

54. 11 "Yeah! Do you know? Sister Shelly, I am a homosexual! "Garrick cheers up.

55. When homosexual marriage got legalized last year in Argentina, the archbishop of Buenos Aires

56. Persons who have engaged in homosexual activities or have shot street drugs within the last 10 years should never donate blood.

57. In other words, someone does not have to be exclusively homosexual or heterosexual, but can feel varying degrees of both.

58. So-called aberrant behavior, in particular lesbian and homosexual behavior, was shown to have a natural precedent and a genetic basis.

59. That their father is homosexual, he's got good taste and he's very lucky.

60. In his eyes, a monogamous homosexual relationship was as moral as a monogamous heterosexual relationship.

61. The profile of this population was generally quite different from that of infected homosexual men.

62. First, it Adumbrates four contexts within which the discourse on sexual identity has been carried on: the historical, bisexual, homosexual, and biological

63. Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate man , especially a gay or homosexual man.

64. In the Australian state of Queensland, homosexual acts —even in private by consenting partners— are illegal.

65. Minton belonged to the kind of homosexual whose ideal is manly because their temperament is feminine.

66. A campaign was launched to repeal so-called Buggery laws, which prohibit male homosexual acts

67. It is said that men engaged so often in homosexual activity, that unmarried women became jealous.

68. The photograph depicted two naked men, engaged in one of the most nauseating of homosexual acts.

69. The ordination of women and treatment of homosexual clergy - both sensitive issues - may well cause rifts.

70. Jason Park admitted his homosexual feelings at the age of 31 after being married for four years.

71. 29 The law says you can marry at but not consent to homosexual acts until you are

72. John Vassall, a sad homosexual who gave away naval secrets while working at the Admiralty.

73. In the 1950’s, communism and the homosexual “threat” became wedded in the American public imagination.

74. Indeed, many homosexual actors and models are among the men regarded as most attractive to women.

75. Such practice is the achievement that these male homosexual websites come to filch several years apparently.

76. Far more likely is that he was a man with a different sexual orientation, homosexual or transvestite.

77. The second, 1 Cor 9- speaks about both the active and the passive participants in homosexual activity.

78. (1 Timothy 2:4) Though the Bible disapproves of homosexual acts, it does not encourage hatred of homosexuals.

79. Lambeth Council is trying to encourage more homosexual men and women to adopt children or become foster parents.

80. His marriage ultimately failed, and only at a later age did he publicly admit to being homosexual.